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Let leadership experts help you choose the right person to fit your vacancy

Getting the right people in the right spot on your leadership team is crucial for your success.


But you don't have to spend a fortune to find someone. We have a cost effective Executive Recruitment process that is focused on getting the right person, with the right fit - without the drama.


Job interview

Executive Recruitment is a service where we help you choose the right person to fill a vacancy on your leadership team.


You get the benefit of our expertise working with thousands of other leaders. You get a robust independent process. And you get peace of mind that you've chosen the right candidate.


Unlike head-hunters, we don't run an entire campaign for you. We keep costs down and let you have more control by sticking to what we're good at - that's picking the right people for the right roles.


To add the most value, these are the tasks we typically handle:

  • Interview your key stakeholders (helps us to identify someone with the right fit)

  • Write/review advertisement text​

  • Review the applications received

  • Prepare a long list and a short list for you to consider

  • Schedule interviews

  • Prepare interview questions

  • Run the interviews  - or help you to run them

  • Advise you on selection

  • Run psychometric assessment of the preferred candidate if required

  • Organise probity checks


To keep costs for you down, we rely on your team to:

  • Prepare the position description

  • Advertise the role online

  • Make the final decision

  • Negotiate the contract



A simple, independent selection process


Unlike the big HR consultancies, we don't add all the bells and whistles like market mapping, international candidate searches, and hand-holding during the induction and onboarding of a new exec.


We don't maintain complicated databases of candidates, or ring around like head-hunters and charge that time to you.


We trim the process down to include only the practical things that are really needed.


Also, we rely on your internal HR team to handle a couple of the tasks that we know they will be more than capable of doing in-house.


Everything else, you can give to us to take care of.





Get the ad right

You can't find the right person if you're not looking in the right way. After speaking your key internal and external stakeholders - and receiving your requirements for the role - we will help you draft the right ad. Your team places the ad.


Make a good shortlist

We'll review all the applications, and prep a long list for you to consider. After culling the list together, we'll settle on a shortlist for interview, and prep some interview questions to probe what's really needed to ensure we find the person with the right fit.


Interview well

We're experienced in running exec interviews, and are happy to independently guide the interview panel - or we can sit in the background and let you run the show. Afterwards, we share our advice and together we'll help you identify the perfect candidate.


Select the best

Once you've chosen your preferred person, we can conduct a psychometric assessment and organise probity checks so you can be confident of making a solid offer.


Helping you choose someone that fits your leadership team perfectly


We place a great deal of importance in looking for the candidate that will complement and strengthen your leadership team.


Unfortunately, it's often an overlooked factor. We've seen too many companies pick a 'superstar' who then goes on to clash with everybody internally and causes drama.


Instead, we help you to run a robust, but efficient process, with our independent advice. 



But when should you use a lower-priced Executive Recruitment consultant?


When some or all of the following factors are in play:

  • You want to keep some control over the process yourself

  • You don't need an "international candidate search"

  • You might have a worthy internal applicant, but still need a robust independent process

  • You don't need all the "bells and whistles" like market mapping, psychologist reports, or onboarding support

  • You need a speedy process, not an exhaustive process

  • You need external help, but can't afford a big firm


The big difference with our quicker, cheaper alternative


We are not head-hunters. We don't have complicated databases of candidates, piles of resumes, and international search partners.


We are a smaller, niche business based in Melbourne. We keep costs down by running a simple, practical process to help you select the right executive for your vancay.

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Expertise in executive selection: With decades of experience working with outstanding leaders, Hamish Park knows a good leader when he sees one. That's why he has been asked so often to assist in selecting new executives to refresh leadership teams.

We focus on 'right fit': Nobody has time for a new exec that doesn't work out as expected - or who disrupts the entire leadership team. We place a big importance on looking at the real and practical attributes of candidates that make a difference - so you can be confident of finding someone with the right fit for your team.

Lower price: There is a trend in consulting away from using the big, established consulting brands. More people are using cost effective, niche providers instead. Simply put, we have a leaner and faster process that means we can offer a price about 30% lower than our big competitors.

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Melbourne Leadership Group works with leaders across the public, private and for-purpose sectors


We work with medium to large size organisations spanning many sectors. 


Whilst we are based in Melbourne, we do work with national organisations and clients with operations across multiple state boundaries.


In 2023, we delivered work in Melbourne, Canberra, Sydney, Adelaide and regional Victoria.


We are proud that many of our executive clients vote with their feet - and have us back to coach, train and facilitate across multiple projects.


Melbourne Cityscape


"We all look forward to working with you. I think that its also fair to say that we all feel that we have come a long way, as an executive team and as an organisation in the past two years."

Lucy, Canberra

Exec Select Form

Enquire about our lower-cost way to find the right executive for your team


A cheaper, quicker way to find the right candidate


The big HR consultancies will charge you $80-$100k plus to find your next exec. We have a solution under $50k.


Let's help you learn more - so you can decide if we are the right people to help you fill that vacancy on your executive team.

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