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Female leader participating in Melbourne Leadership Group's Online Facilitation Training Course


Critical Digital Upskilling

In the new world of work, we're connecting online.

Your ability to deliver depends on your digital skills.

We can help you take them to the next level




Anyone can run a Zoom meeting, but delivering an ambitious business outcome in an online workshop is a whole different level.
The new world of work means lots of online meetings. They’re convenient, flexible and cost-effective.
So why do they feel so hard?
Perhaps these sound familiar:
• People are present, but the silence is awkward
• Intentions are good, but screen time is exhausting
• Information gets shared, but no work gets done

Facilitating a productive online meeting requires a completely different skillset to facilitating face-to-face. Online workshops can be short, sharp, fun, engaging and can deliver outcomes. Let us teach you how.

Virtual Team Meeting



Change your online meetings into highly engaging collaborative workshops


​The new world of work involves lots of online meetings, but running a successful online workshop is a completely different skillset to running one in person. 


In the new post-pandemic economy, however, digital upskilling is a critical priority. That's because the current climate demands that leaders know how to extract value from a virtual, dispersed team. 


We can teach you how to do just that, by showing you how to design and deliver online meetings and workshops that actually deliver - and drive valuable outcomes for your organisation.


How: Our Online Facilitation Group Training is a highly engaging half-day interactive workshop that will rapidly extend your digital literacy, allowing you and your team to deepen your familiarity and expertise facilitating groups by combining the most effective online conferencing tools, including Zoom, Microsoft Teams, Mural, and Miro.


You'll learn how to craft a workshop agenda that's effective in the online world, understand how to run virtual team work sessions, discover how to curate inspiring digital content, uncover how to engage your audience, and boost your confidence and polish when speaking and presenting online.


A full best practice facilitation guide and prep kit are included, as well as an interactive Q&A session where you can quiz our expert panel on everything you've been wanting to learn about running successful online meetings and workshops in the new world of work. 


We've made the session interactive, fun and hands-on - and for that reason it's currently rated as our most popular course.


Start by sending us a message and requesting our course brochure to see if it's right for your team.




Design – Learn to craft an agenda that works in the online world
Learn to design and facilitate the critical team activities that work best online,
including ice breakers, brainstorms, work rounds, report-backs and debriefs.


Engage – Uncover the art of capturing and sustaining audience attention
Hear all our top tips for engaging your audience, setting the right patterns,
bringing dull content to life, and presenting with polish and confidence.


Tech – Get more out of your online tools
Learn how to bring your workshops to life by combining conferencing platforms
such as Zoom or MS Teams with key collaborative tools like Mural, Miro and Slido.


Content – Discover how to curate digital content
Dive into the options for pulling together insightful pre-reads, videos, interviews,
and podcasts to stimulate your audience with the inspiration they need.


Value – Explore the best ways to ensure your workshop delivers
Round out your training by learning techniques to drive outcomes, get
agreement, document work, and ensure buy-in.

"It was fabulous. Hamish's presentation was very thought provoking. He is an excellent facilitator, with digestible information."

Robyn, Melbourne


"Hamish and the team were fantastic! The Digital Facilitation Essentials course was well structured and facilitated. It was engaging and great for anyone who needs to design collaborative workshops online. Thanks team :-)"

Bridie, Canberra

Hamish Park has worked with leaders across government and industry

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