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Developing Your Leadership Style: Finding What Works for You

There is no one right way to lead.

Over the course of my career, I’ve worked with leaders with contrasting styles and abilities – the best ones always being authentic and true to themselves, rather than trying to emulate others.

Effective leadership comes in various forms and styles, and ideally it is tailored to the unique strengths, personality traits, and life experiences of the individual. Developing your own personal leadership style is a journey of self-reflection and continuous improvement.

The Significance of Leadership Style

Leadership is not just about giving orders, coordinating tasks and managing deadlines. It's about inspiring, motivating, and guiding a team or organisation towards the achievement of a common goal. Your leadership style plays a crucial role in how your team and your organisation achieves success – or not.

Here's why developing your leadership style is important:

1. Authenticity

Authentic leadership is all about being true to yourself. When you lead authentically, you gain the trust and respect of your team, because they can see that you are genuine and sincere. Trying to emulate someone else's leadership style often leads to inauthenticity and undermines your credibility and effectiveness as a leader. People can spot a phony.

2. Adaptability

Different situations and teams require different leadership approaches. By understanding your own style, you can adapt and modify your leadership techniques to suit the specific needs of your team and the situations you face. Staying agile is a key to leadership success.

3. Personal Satisfaction

Leading in a way that aligns with your values and preferences can lead to greater personal satisfaction and a sense of fulfilment in your role. When you are comfortable with your leadership style, you are more likely to enjoy your work and feel motivated.

Steps to Develop Your Leadership Style

So how do you enhance your leadership capabilities in alignment with your own style?

1. Self-Reflection

Start by taking the time for self-reflection. Consider your values, strengths, weaknesses, and past experiences. Ask yourself questions like:

- What are my core values, and how do they align with leadership?

- What leadership experiences have I had, and what did I learn from them?

- What are my natural strengths and talents that can be applied to leadership?

Tip – a DISC assessment can help you really uncover your innate leadership preferences.

2. Seek Feedback

Feedback is invaluable in leadership development. Ask for feedback from colleagues, mentors, managers and former managers, and team members. They can provide insights into your leadership style that you might not be aware of. Be open minded to constructive criticism and use it as a tool for growth.

Tip – a 360° Feedback survey can help you complete this step faster.

3. Study Different Leadership Styles

Familiarize yourself with various leadership styles, such as transformational, servant, charismatic, and democratic leadership. Understanding the principles and characteristics of these styles can help you identify elements that resonate with you.

Tip – this blog post can help you understand common leadership styles in Australia.

4. Identify Role Models

Think about leaders you admire. What is it about their style that you find appealing? It's perfectly acceptable to draw inspiration from others, but remember that you should adapt these qualities to fit your personality and values.

5. Experiment

Don't be afraid to experiment with different leadership techniques. Small experiments can help you build sustainable approaches that suit different situations. After all, leadership is a skill that can be developed over time. Try out different techniques and observe their impact on your team. Learn from both successes and failures.

6. Embrace Your Unique Qualities

Your leadership style should be an extension of who you are. Embrace your unique qualities, whether it's your communication style, problem-solving skills, or empathy. Your individuality can set you apart as a leader. This means bringing your whole self to work – letting your personality shine through as you lead.

7. Continuous Learning

Leadership is an ongoing journey. Stay committed to continuous learning and improvement. Attend leadership workshops, read books, and seek opportunities for growth. The more you invest in your development, the more effective you'll become as a leader.

Tip – leadership coaching is a way to help kick-start your continuous growth as a leader.

Summing up

In the journey of developing your leadership style, remember that there is no one-size-fits-all approach. Your leadership style should be a reflection of your unique qualities, values, and experiences. It should evolve as you grow and adapt to different situations.

Take the time to self-reflect, seek feedback, and experiment with different approaches. Embrace your authenticity, and don't be afraid to draw inspiration from various leadership styles while staying true to yourself.

Ultimately, effective leadership is about making a positive impact on your team and organisation. By developing your own leadership style, you can lead with authenticity, adaptability, and personal satisfaction, achieving success and having an impact in your career.

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